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Pests and Disease

Why Your Arborvitae is Turning Brown and How to Fix It

Discover the secrets to reviving brown arborvitae in our comprehensive guide. Explore proven strategies and expert tips for bringing these evergreens back to vibrant health, ensuring your landscape remains lush and thriving. Don't let brown foliage dampen your greenery—learn how to save your arborvitae and restore its natural beauty.

Understanding and Combating the Spotted Lanternfly

The invasive Spotted Lanternfly poses serious threats to trees and crops. Learn how to identify, prevent, and manage this pest with expert insights from Arborist Now, San Francisco's trusted tree care provider. Protect your landscape today!

Keeping Cats Out of Your Garden

Whether your own cat likes to explore your garden beds, or your landscaping often has visiting stray cats walking through, it’s important to know how to keep these furry friends out of your garden beds.

Pest of the Month: Biting Oak Mite

Biting oak mites can cause skin irritation and discomfort for anyone exposed to them. In this guide, we explain how to identify oak mites, prevent infestations, and treat any bites effectively. Protect yourself and your trees with expert advice from Arborist Now, your trusted San Francisco tree care specialists.

How to Deal with Tree Stress: A Comprehensive Guide

Tree stress can lead to significant damage if left untreated. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to identify tree stress, its causes, and effective solutions. Protect the health and longevity of your trees with these expert care tips, and contact Arborist Now for professional tree care services in San Francisco.

Bagworms: The Silent Tree Destroyers—A Comprehensive Guide

Bagworms can silently devastate your trees if left unchecked. In this guide, we'll show you how to identify, prevent, and control these tree-destroying pests. Protect your landscape with expert advice from Arborist Now, your trusted San Francisco tree care company.

Pest of the Month: Scale Insects

Pest of the Month: Scale Insects

This month we are discussing a pest that can really do some damage to your trees, scale insects.

In addition to discussing what they are and how they hurt your trees, we will also be giving you our top tips for...

Pest of the Month: Spider Mites

Spider mites can wreak havoc on your plants and trees, especially during the dry season. Learn how to identify, prevent, and control these pests with expert advice from Arborist Now. Protect your landscaping and maintain healthy greenery year-round.

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