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Tree Bark

Pest of the Month: Beetles

Discover effective strategies to manage beetle infestations and keep your San Francisco trees healthy with tips from Arborist Now. Learn about controlling pests like Japanese beetles and elm leaf beetles to maintain vibrant, robust trees. Read more for expert advice!

Understanding Bark Beetle Infestations: Prevention and Solutions

Are you noticing more bark beetles around your San Francisco property? At Arborist Now, we specialize in advanced tree care techniques to combat these damaging pests effectively. Learn how our expert arborists protect your trees and help maintain the health and beauty of our local urban forest.

Accidental Assault: Girdled Trees

Discover the unintended consequences of girdling on trees in urban landscapes. Arborist Now offers expert insights into the signs, prevention, and remediation of girdled trees, helping San Francisco’s greenery thrive despite these challenges.

Tree Bark: That Beneficial Barrier

Tree bark is roughly akin to the skin of animals; it helps to define the boundary between the internal and external world, and it provides protection against a variety of threats. While bark fails to attract the same level of attention that...Dive into the protective world of tree bark and its crucial role in nurturing San Francisco's urban canopy. Learn how this natural barrier defends against threats and sustains our city's green heritage.

Seven Signs of Hazardous Trees

Trees are vital to our environment, but hazardous trees can pose significant safety risks. In our latest blog post, we detail the seven critical signs to watch for. Understanding these signs helps prevent accidents and maintain a safe landscape.

Armillaria Root Rot—Its Bark Glows in the Dark!

Learn about Armillaria Root Rot, a persistent fungal disease that threatens trees. We'll explore the causes, symptoms, and economic impacts of the disease as well as prevention and treatment strategies to protect your trees and landscapes from this hidden menace.

Why Is Your Tree Losing Bark? Causes and Solutions for Peeling Bark

Unlock the mystery behind your tree's bark loss with our informative guide. Explore the potential causes and solutions for this common issue, empowering you to safeguard your tree's health and vitality. Don't let bark loss be a source of concern—arm yourself with knowledge and nurture your tree back to its full glory.

The Basic Anatomy of a Tree

Dive into the intricate world of trees with our comprehensive guide to their basic anatomy. From roots to crown, explore each component's role in a tree's health and longevity, allowing you to better understand and care for these majestic organisms. Embark on a journey of discovery as you unravel the secrets hidden within every branch, leaf, and trunk.

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