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Urban Gardening

Attracting Birds to Your Trees and Landscaping

Attracting Birds to Your Trees and Landscaping

Having birds in your backyards can make the environment seem more inviting and more natural. How do you attract the right birds to your landscaping and trees?

We are going to be providing you with...

The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating Your Trees

The Do's and Don'ts of Decorating Your Trees

If you are trying to add a little bit of pizzazz and color to your backyard, you may have considered putting up some decorations on your trees. There are a lot of great options out there, you just...

Why Your Arborvitae is Turning Brown and How to Fix It

An important step in preventing your arborvitae from turning brown is to understand why it happens. There are times in the life of the tree and in times of the year that make it more susceptible to browning. During the first few months after the tree is transplanted is one of those times.

The Best and Worst Trees to Plant by Your House

When it comes to planting trees around your home, you want selections that won’t undermine the foundation or scrape the shingles on your roof. Here’s a look at the five best and worst trees to plant around your home.

The Best Trees


Dazzled by Daffodils

Daffodils, also referred to by their botanical name, narcissus, are easy growing bulbs and reliable harbingers of the coming warm weather. They multiply quickly and return to bloom again each spring, year after year. They are not fussy about soil, will grow in sun or part shade and are not bothered by deer, rabbits, and other garden critters.

Soil Quality and Garden Success

Soil quality and health is the most important part of a successful gardening and landscape beauty. When you take care of the soil, the rewards help your garden plants to flourish.

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