Complete Money Tree Care: Grow a Thriving Indoor Plant

Photo by Daan Rink
Money trees are a beautiful addition to your indoor space, and they are thought to bring about positive energy and improve financial situations. While it’s true that money doesn’t grow on trees, many believe that planting them for display in the home has numerous benefits. Some are thought to promote good luck, alleviate stress and minimize sleep disruptions in accordance with feng shui principles.
These trees are native to regions in South America and Mexico and are also popular in numerous east Asian countries. With their stunning bright green leaves and braided stems, planting one of these can create a showpiece for your space. Here, we offer a few tips for planting and properly caring for a money tree.
From Planting to Routine Care: How to Grow a Money Tree
A Money Tree Growing in a Shaded Garden - Image by J. Camuz from Pixabay
While money trees are generally easy to plant, grow, and propagate, there are a few ways to approach their care to foster thriving plants. Here, we’ll offer key money tree tips that allow you to enjoy their beauty, embrace their potential abundance, and help them flourish.
Money Tree Soil Requirements
Are you an avid plant lover? Be aware that even some experienced gardeners struggle with finding an optimal soil for money trees. Some opt for a prepared potting mix that’s created using high-quality ingredients and nutrients that are perfect for money trees. Key tips here are to choose one with no peat moss and that have adequate minerals to boost rapid growth. Too much water can harm these trees, so be sure your soil offers consistent moisture control and drainage. The addition of perlite, sand, or pebbles into the mix can be beneficial. If in doubt, ask an experienced garden retailer about the best soil options.
Getting the Right Amount of Sunlight
Money tree care requires bright, indirect sunlight, making them perfect to situate near a sunny window that receives eastern, western, or southern sun during the day. Avoid direct sun, which will scorch its leaves. If planted outdoors, be sure the trees are shaded by taller ones. Indoor potted money trees should be rotated as they grow for equal expansion of their growth.
Money Tree Watering
While money trees prosper in wetland environments, too much water can result in rotting roots. Simply water these once every two weeks until water drains all the way to the bottom of the pot and flows out a bit. Let the soil dry out slightly between each watering, and the amount they need will vary depending on the temperatures around their environment.
Temperature and Humidity
As tropical plants, these trees prosper best in climates between 65 and 85 degrees. The ideal humidity is around 50 percent, so you might operate a humidifier near it when growing indoors. The presence of other houseplants can be beneficial to transfer water vapors between them, as misting the leaves of money trees is not recommended.
How to Prune and Propagate Money Trees
Has your plant gotten rather sizable, and does it need cutting back? While they are traditionally round on the top, money trees can grow in a variety of shapes. All you need to do is prune away dying leaves periodically to shape them and encourage new growth. This is also a good step if you want to keep your plant somewhat small. Should you want to propagate your tree, follow these steps.
- Cut a small segment of the tree during spring or summer months during the plant’s active growth cycle. Be sure to trim pieces with a few nodes on them.
- Remove any lower leaves and put the trimmings in a bowl or cup of water with only the bottom submerged.
- After the cuttings have sprouted, proceed to plant them in pots with nutrient-rich soil.
How to Repot Money Trees
Plant Pots in Assorted Sizes - Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
- Obtain a pot that offers good drainage and is one or two sizes larger than the current planter. If you want to keep the pot it’s in now, trim back about a quarter of the root system.
- Once you’ve removed the plant from its current pot, gently shake away old soil, and use your hand and fingers to brush away used dirt from the root system.
- Use fresh potting mix to fill the bottom of the new planter to give the tree fresh nutrients and support.
- Center the tree in vessel, and surround the remaining space with more soil.
- Lightly water the new planting and add any mineral supplements.
The Most Common Money Tree Problems
A Money Tree on a Sunny Windowsill - Photo by Kha Ruxury
- Pests: If you see an abundance of dying, drooping or loose leaves, pests may be invading your plant. Scale and aphids are common culprits and can be prevented and eradicated with the use of organic neem oil.
- Overwatering: Does your money tree seem to be drooping or have soggy stems? It’s tempting to give money trees a good bit of water, but it’s easy to give them more than they can handle. One of the most obvious indications of too much water is the presence of brown or yellow leaves. Overwatering stretches out the root system and results in leaves showing stress. Conversely, trees that need more water often have curling along with discoloration.
- Sunlight and Moving Issues: Money trees like to get just the right amount of sun, and they don’t like to be moved around too much. When possible, move these plants as little as necessary while perfecting access to sunlight. Moving the trees and changing their environment can send them into shock, which stresses the plant. The results often show up as slowing leaf growth and discoloration or drooping branches.
Money Tree FAQs
While they are fairly easy to grow, some enthusiasts still have questions about how to help them flourish throughout the year. Here, we answer some of those common questions.
Should I Braid My Money Tree?
It is not necessary to braid your money tree, but most of them are already braided when you buy them from garden centers or retail sellers. Braiding the base stems helps them enjoy greater stability and creates a more attractive presentation overall.
Are Money Trees Toxic?
Fortunately, money trees are not toxic to pets or humans, so they are safe in environments with animals or small children. However, experts don’t advise that they are consumed, regardless of non-toxicity.
Do Money Trees Flower?
Are you fond of blooming plants and trees? Whether money trees flower depends on the location you plant them in. Blooms require the introduction of outdoor pollinators like bees. When they do bloom, the flowers are a dainty yellow and white. Indoor plants won’t bloom at all.
How Long Can Money Tree Plants Live?
With proper care and nourishment, money trees can live a decade or longer. Therefore, it’s best to propagate them a few years early to keep them producing beautiful plants.
Is Watering Money Trees With Ice a Real “Thing?”
Absolutely! Many growers avoid the woes of overwatering by giving their plant one or two ice cubes per week to keep the root system moist. Using ice cubes for money tree watering is popular with indoor growers.
Feed Your Green Thumb
A Small Money Tree Grows Indoors - Image by J. Camuz from Pixabay
Are you planning to add money trees to your gardening shopping list? To learn more about how to grow a money tree or get additional gardening tips, be sure to sign up for our seasonal newsletter. You can also get more essential tips when you follow us on our social media platforms to promote happier, healthier plants, trees and flowers.
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