ClickCease Archive for January 2021 - Topics, News, and Trends in Tree Care and Landscaping - Arborist Now

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Archive for January 2021

Winter Damage to Landscape Plants

Many landscape plants incur winter damage. Dead branches and twigs found in the spring are often the result of ice and snow damage during the winter. Often the rapid drop in temperature during a mid-winter thaw causes bark splitting and frost or freeze results in plant injury.

Pruning Roses in Late Winter

Late winter is also the ideal time to prune most roses. Usually, it is safe to prune roses in January or February, but the ideal timing really depends on the type of roses and your hardiness zone.

Caring for the Poinsettia after the Holidays

Who does not love the poinsettia? After the holidays, do we keep the plant or toss it? After all, they will be available next year, like the colorful mums brightening gardens and nurseries every fall. Caring for poinsettia plants after Christmas is possible but they will require attention.

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