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Tips for Making Your Yard Summer Party Ready

Tips for Making Your Yard Summer Party Ready

As we get closer and closer to the season of barbecues, bonfires, and summer parties, it’s important to make sure your yard is ready all the fun!

We are going to take a look at some simple steps you can take to make sure your lawn, trees, decor, and lighting are ready for your guests.

Cutting, Pruning, and Shaping


One of the most important steps you can take to ensure your yard is party ready is, of course, cutting your grass. Making sure to mow and weed the lawn will give your yard a much neater, landscaped look. It will also be safer for guests to walk through if everything is clipped and clean.

It is also a great idea to both prune and shape your bushes and trees for a more uniform look as well. Once everything is cut back and shaped just how you like it – your yard will be in pretty great shape!

Clear Your Walkways


For both a clean look and safety reasons, making sure to sweep and rake the debris and leaves off of your walkways.

This will ensure that your walkways aren’t slippery and a caution to your guests. In addition to that, it will highlight where you want them to walk, especially if you want to keep people off of your lawn.

Pest Control

One thing to consider is the pest control that you have around your grill, table, and any areas where people will be sitting and eating.

It can be nearly impossible to enjoy your cold drink and company if you have to keep fanning bugs away. They are also a really big pain if food is present as well. There are a few steps you can take to make sure you don’t have these issues.

Make sure to eliminate any standing water on the property, as bugs do tend to breed in it. Also, the day of your party, you can keep bug spray out for your guests, plug in fans to keep them further away, and burn citronella candles as well. These are all simple, affordable ways to keep those pesky creatures at bay.

Make Sure You Have Enough Shade


If your guests are going to be in your yard during the daytime, it’s important to make sure they have enough shade to be comfortable.

Whether it is setting up tables and chairs under your backyard trees, or creating a party setting under a covered deck or pavilion – having the shady area set up in advance will make the event go much more smoothly. You could also invest in a few bigger umbrellas to insert on top of tables as well if you don’t have trees or other roof coverings available.

Be Flexible for the Weather

In addition to having shade readily available for your guests, it is also important to plan for every type of weather. If you end up with an unexpected thunderstorm, either have strong enough outdoor coverings to make the party work outdoors or set up inside. This way no surprise will hinder your event.

Make Sure You Have Appropriate Landscape Lighting

As we have discussed before, landscape lighting is vital. Even more so for an outdoor party! These are great for safety, as they will illuminate any bodies of water or other potential dangers for people walking through the yard. However, they can also make your yard more aesthetically pleasing once the sun goes down.

Different lights can set different tones and can go along really well with any themes you have for your party.

Set up Grill and Bar Areas


Having separate areas for your grill, picnic table, bar, etc. is great because it keeps all of the food in one place. If you have an outdoor kitchen or grilling area already, this step will be pretty easy for you.

If your grill and furniture don’t have a set place, it is pretty easy to get them set up. Preferably in a shaded area, you may have set up, you can easily organize a little corner for a grill and table, and even little bar if you want it. That way if there is any in climate weather, you are prepared for it.

For those of you with an outdoor room, this is a great place to set up food and/or cooking stations. 

Let’s Get to Party Planning

Now that you have all the tips you need to get started, happy party planning! We hope these tips will help you have the best barbeques in town this summer. Are you planning on using these tips this upcoming summer season? Are there any other tips you would add to the list?

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