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Archive for 2020

How to Utilize Your Small or Enclosed Patio Spaces

While you might not have room for an enormous patio, it’s easy to create your dream space with any outdoor hardscaped area. No matter how small the spot is, you can take steps to make it useful, beautiful, and perfect for your landscaping.

Pest of the Month: Ants

Here’s our guide on whether or not ants can really cause problems for your trees, and how to remove them if they become an issue.

Creating a Dog-Friendly Landscape

Here are some tips for making sure that your furry friends are not in any danger in your backyard. Let’s start with the ideal plants for a dog-friendly landscape.

Can You Plant Trees During the Winter Season?

Depending on where you live in the United States, planting trees during the winter season may seem like a plausible option for you. Let’s discuss the dos and don’ts of planting trees during the winter to make sure it’s being done correctly and efficiently.

A Full Guide to Sudden Oak Death

We are going to dive deep into the world of Sudden Oak Death – from what it is, how to prevent and/or cure it, and debunking myths about this forest disease.

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